hari ini kisah doorgift...he
sebelum melelapkan mata...surfing jap..
so for the early stage, I am just googling and try to see what am I intersted...and of course yg kene ngan budget..huu
budgetku xbyk pon...

its bride and groom salt and pepper shaker..
mgkn leh bg kepada rombongan lelaki,..boleh diorg ingt slaloo kan..unique n..hee
kalau 50 org maunya RM500...uish..xmampu eden..ahaks...

now its blue compact mirror..ank2 remaja yg umur 10tahun cm2 mesti suka kan...
tema pon biru..harga RM15/pcs..lg la..
memang reject, doorgift n sesuai utk certain umur saja...
Nk yg boleh sumer org guna and suka...

this one called Love Dove Soap..pon cantiq..sesuai utk tema loveybird...
its RM5/pcs..
emm..rejected...xnk r bg sabun..baik bg makanan....
all picture are creditted to:marryme2u
still in planning whether to give something to eat or keep....
if u nak something yg xleh makan, i suggest u bagi glass coaster...diorang blh pakai..hihi
wahh mahal btol salt shaker tu..yela lawa kan :)
p/s: sggah2 cni hehe..da follow kamu :) do visit me ya..http://emideraman.blogspot.com
NANA:: i dah search glass coaster..lawa gak..hee..boleh masuk dlm list..hee.tq nana
Cik Emi Deraman::a'a..lawa kan..xder org nk sponsor..hee..ok cik emi..i dh follow u too and link to u..tq
cumil sumenye tapi mahal la, my budget is too tight~
dyn:: me too..my budget is really2 tight...huuu
between tq..i follow u too
u can blogwalking to my blogshop..cookies for favors ;p its in now and meet ur budget
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