lamer xmengepos sesuatu....
lately n sgt buzy...hinggap2 sekejap jer kat blog b2b and ex b2b lain..
suka tgk b2b lain wat preparation..
tp eida...cmtu je..huu
skrg n still cr idea tuk buat guestbook...
i want to know what my guest would say to me as the bride on that day...:p
ok..bhgn luar buku i dah nampak idea cam yg ditunjukkan in the previous entry..
skrg...and sebelum2 n pon sebenarnya, duk piki apa nk buat pada isi dalam....
u ols buat apa yer kat dalam tu..heee..
xkn nk losong jer..em...
so, here is some of my idea...

Source: divavillage
mula2,,,tgk design n..because the website provide the formal la..ish..xberkenan lak..
this one

Source:FarahD masalahnya, eida xcreative..
daku org math, bukan org seni..hee
tp kalau aku suh studentku lukis satu, then page yg seterusnya..eida photostat je..
ok x ek???hee
edisi nk berjimat...haha
actually the blog owner amek tempahan utk
wedding guestbook n...sapa2 nk tempah just click the link k..hee(tolong promote n)

edisi letak gambar...n yg paling nice...agak2..setiap satu page nk kene letak gamba ke ek..brapa keping gamba yg diperlukan tu 6t...
kene mengumpul gambar la n...
dan yg paling senang...hee
letak jer border and shading...=)
source:Mr Goo

Source: Mr Goo
ish, mana satu nk buat n..huu
org lain, makin nk kawen makin kreatif, tp diri sendiri....
susah btol nk jd kreatif...huuu
mana satu pujaan hati...susah..susah