now, seriously searching for doorgift...
ah..its hard to make decision...because, everything need money..heee
ok, hasilku pada hari ini...
since saya orang, i'm searching for supplier that is also from terengganu..
doorgift makanan...
RM 1.20 for 2 pc including packaging::mini muffin vanilla that
we can filled with strawberry/blueberry/chocolate/kiwi

RM 2.00 including the box:: u can change the shape of the choc
RM 1.30/pc::chocolate moist muffin
RM 1.50 for 3 pc including packaging:: mini choc muffin
brownies...yummm..look delicous..(xtau harga)
** actually byk lg product yang dibekalkan oleh mereka bertiga..more info, click the link k..:)
waaa...saya xtau nk bg memang nk bg mknn+bukan mknn..(byk la plak kan..hee)
kene tgk budget lu..
em, jumlah tetamu pon xpasti lagi..ish...
ok..that's my googling (suka hati jer kan..) today..=)
org ganu rupanye...
eh yg last tu nmpk cute & temping laaa
a'a nana..eida org ganu..hee
a'a...nmpak cam best xtau la the exact taste dia camner..xg wat testing..hee
that's nice tapi harga dia pun not bad jugak. amy kasi bahulu je dear. jimat sebab maybe nak kasi jajan2 like kek appolo ke. hehehe...
follow jugak
semuanye nmpk sedap
mizz amy:::em, tula, eida sedang dalam proses pemilihan lagi..hee..xpasti lagi nk camner..
ekin:::tq ekinn
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