hi olls...
dah kenyang berbuka puasa...:)
eida dah knyg..
malam2 melantak kueh lagi..
ish, macam mana nak turunkan berat n..
semalam, survey pelamin,
tp jumpa box ini...

it cost about RM0.80 per unit
*but i did not know whether the price is for any unit or what..;)
because I still did not have chances to deal with the dealer
because am trying to make decision whether,
I want this or not...
it is just an empty box without any decoration
but I believe all b2b out there are
more than creative..
(xmacam eida n..akakksss)
the seize of this box
or also known as gable box
(am I right..ladies..)
it is
14 cm (p)x10 cm(l)x10cm(t)
it is quite large for me..
does the price offered is reasonable enuf.
is it categorized as cheap..haha
(i n, nak yg murah2 ajer mak jemah..)
so, nak tahu pendapat
b2b semua..
apa you all rasa dengan
harga yang ditawarkan tu...
I rasa macam nak beli,
takut xsempat I nak decokan..
ok, nak tgk
decoration kotak n..

Source: here

Source: here
looks easy..
but still required a lot of time and effort..
so, mana nak cari
u ols can go to their blog
you can press 'LIKE" button
kat akaun fb diorang
*promotion end until 30 September
i rasa ramai b2b yg beli kat pph...u try tgk kat pph k...rasanya situ lg murah kot :)
oo..yer ke..
6t try tgk..hee..tq nana
Eida, tempah sticker je mesti sempat punye deco, tinggal tampal je.. hehe
nice~ :)
PPH kt png kan?nnti nk try pegi survey jgk lah.hehe...hrp2 dpt yg murah..
zimie..diskaun baik ek..
camner nak tgk sample tu..boleh gak nk try tgk..
i like diskaun..;)
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